Our Staff
Materials Management & Logistics Department
TBD, Director
Monica Sanchez, Administrative Assistant III
Property Management - maintains 29,000+ asset records, updating, deleted, and transferred items.
- Monitor Requisitions for correct Asset postings
- Maintain Capital Equipment/Controlled Items Records
- E.V.E. Inventory Section
- Equipment transfers and deletions
- Surplus Property disposition and disposal
- Assisting with On-line Auctions
Ethan Grothues, Supervisor Property Management
Jennifer Mireles, Accountant I
Alec Lucio, Inventory Control Clerk II
TBD, Stores Clerk II
Miles Moss, Inventory Control Clerk I
Moves and Events - is involved with the day-to-day operation of setting up and picking up items for special events, picking up items for surplus, and moving offices.
- Pick up and store surplus property and equipment
- Deliver surplus property to departments
- Setup for University meetings and Special Events
- Provide chairs, tables, and desktop podiums for classroom use
- Assisting the Central Receiving Office with delivery of large freight items
- Assisting with On-line Auctions
David Vasquez, Supervisor Warehouse
TBD, Administrative Assistant II
TBD, Head Warehouse Worker
Estevan Gutierrez, Warehouse Worker
Richard Selvera, Warehouse Worker
Central Receiving – We accept, process, and deliver freight to departments. We ensure that appropriate paperwork is processed for these deliveries. We work with departments to return any damaged goods.
- Receiving Freight
- Delivering Freight
- Shipping Freight
- Process Department Goods Receipts Using Z_MIGO
Floyd Torres, Head Warehouse Worker
TBD, Data Entry Operator
Jose Bravo, Warehouse Worker
Cathleen Dane, Warehouse Worker
Lupe Leon, Warehouse Worker
Ryan Villasana, Warehouse Worker
Douglas Mallard, Warehouse Worker